or maybe months since Ive blogged.
whats been happening,
Opa + Oma celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Uncle and Aunty from Holland came to join in the celebrations. I also turned 25 :) a ripe old old.
We went for a weekend away to Busselton with the Pleiter clan. It was a lot of fun, time spent playing games, going to Simmos, trying breweries.
Our kids have been growing up way to fast lately.
Sophie has become quiet the little lady, she has the funniest character and comes out with the most random-est things sometimes.
Isaiah is now 10 months old. Still BF, but we are trying to get him to take a bottle (he completely refuses) he still loves to eat all the time, and will come begging like a little doggy if he sees someone eating. He has now stood by himself, a few times. And has just started walking behind his walker, and often uses Sophie's stools too. He looks way to grown up, not ready for him to get to the walking stage.
Isaiah sleeping is a lot better then it has ever been. He self settles now, half hour in morning and 2 hours in arvo (which coincides with Sophie's sleep - so i get nice quiet time) Just need to stop these night time waking/feeds.