Sunday, August 28

9 months..

Sophie has now reached the 9 months mark! She is still our happy lil bunny. Getting faster at crawling every day, and always trying to pull herself up on furniture but gets rather frustrated at being stuck 'up.' At our last health nurse vist she weighed a healthy 8.1 kg. She is also getting the hang of waving, which we find very amusing. Sophie also just got a top tooth through and about 3 more on the way, so she is a source of endless dribble.

Bathroom fun: Chris fav game to play with her. How many letters can i cover you with.

with mummy
and daddy..who do i look more like?

9 month photoshoot :D

Sophie absolutely loves to read (think she got that from me) and its quite nice that she just turns the pages instead of eating the books.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ky! Your little princess sure is growing up fast! Hope all is well with you, Chris & Sophie!
